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Learn more about the Front End, Full Stack, Software Developer Stefan Van Damme

I am a tremendous developer that changed the internet web experience. I created the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension that has been featured on Google, YouTube, Mozilla, and Microsoft Windows Blog. And build high-quality apps for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. I am a YouTube Community Contributor, Google Product Expert (PE) / Trusted Tester (TT). And I won the Google I/O 2017 contest for the Best Student Google Assistant from the 1000 entries.

One of Stefan's strengths lies in his ability to develop high-quality web applications using HTML5. He has an eye for detail and is committed to delivering the best possible user experience for his clients. Additionally, Stefan's experience in developing iOS and Mac applications and Windows UWP applications demonstrates his versatility as a developer. His technical skills and problem-solving abilities have allowed him to deliver exceptional results for his clients time and time again.

Stefan's credibility is also evident in his involvement in various conferences, summits, and as a member of the Google product experts. As a volunteer, he helps Chrome users with their Google Chrome web browser issues, which further enhances his expertise and reputation in the software development community. Stefan's involvement in these events and organizations speaks to his leadership qualities and his commitment to his craft.


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