Welcome on the Zoom Edge extension for Microsoft Edge

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About Zoom

Simple and easy to use

Zoom is a lightweight and the ultimate tool to zoom in or out the current web page. That with the buttons in the popup window or with your mouse scroll inside this popup window. Zoom Browser extension is the only extension that zoom to each percent value.

Scroll and zoom only on this page

One of the amazing feature is that you can smoothly zoom in in the current tab, and that without any zoom change in the other open tabs. Default it use the CSS web style zoom for realy fit page zoom layout. However, you can easily change this zoom engine in the Zoom Browser extension Options page.

Major Support

This browser extension is available for all major web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Microsoft Edge. It is designed for simplicity for all internet users. I hope you like this free and open source browser extension. And you can always support this project with a small donation.

The Best Browser extension

Zoom Browser extension is rated 4 on the 5 stars. Many bloggers and journalists found this great browser extension, where you can zoom fast to your comfortable zoom value.